Before you start thinking if I made a mistake in the title I chose for this article as per the use of the short phrase "his child", I can confidently tell you that those words were deliberately used. Yes, the story may not have been that of a father whose life was lost in the hands of his biological child but you'll have to agree that the age difference between the victim and the suspect shows the possibility of the former capable of being a father to the latter in an ideal society. Anyway, our world is not even a sane one anymore, hence anomalies happen every day.


    So, earlier today, a friend drew my attention to a piece of trending news on social media and was surprised when I told her I haven't heard about or seen any strange thing yet (as I was yet to even surf the internet for the day to know what's going on), after briefly narrating what the issue was, I became more interested in getting further detail: hence, after our conversation, I decided to check some social media platforms and truly, it was the news of a murder case that was indeed trending as I continued to refresh for more news. Well, the story is currently hot in the media space and many of you readers are familiar with the news now. However, for the benefit of those who might not know what happened, I shall briefly narrate the events that took place and of course give my reflection about the issue.

The 17th of June, 2021 was supposed to be the 50th birthday of Michael Usifo Ataga, the CEO of Super TV but he hadn't been seen for about two to three days before that date. He was declared missing and on the 19th of June was found dead with multiple stab wounds on the neck, chest and thigh in an apartment in Lekki phase 1, Lagos State where he had lodged with a lady on the 14th/15th of June. Successive bank withdrawals were made on his account afterwards, which helped the police investigating to trace and eventually find his 'mistress' killer, a pretty 21yr old Miss Chidinma Ojukwu, who is a 300lvl mass communication student of University of Lagos (UNILAG). She has since confessed before the media journalists who questioned her to committing the dastardly act alone and expressed that she did so because an argument ensued while they were in the apartment to have fun after she had complained that he wasn't taking care of her well enough but was only using her for his sexual gratification. She stated that she stabbed him in self-defence, saw him dead, and later took his atm card which he had earlier given her the pin to and went into hiding to be secretly withdrawing his money.

                                                                 Late Michael Usifo Ataga

                                                      Miss Chidinma Adaora Ojukwu

     Now, it would be so unwise of anyone to blame just one party in this story (either Chidinma or Ataga) and neither is it the work of the devil as many would say. Oftentimes, we blame the devil for our actions but the truth is that the devil will only use someone who already has the natural ability to do something terrible. The devil didn't create us but God did and the greatest gift which our creator gave to humanity is FREEWILL! The ability to make choices. The devil will not compel someone to do something evil but will only persuade the person's mind, the same way as God can only persuade someone to do something good; the ultimate decision (choice) falls in the hands of the person. However, one who has a natural inclination to any form of vice; ranging from greed, envy, lack of empathy etc becomes easily susceptible to the voice of the devil to do evil, and that exactly is where this young pretty lady Chidinma falls in. She might look beautiful and petite but the truth is that her heart is naturally capable of doing evil and the devil who is always prowling around like a Lion saw this opportunity and explored her and she made the choice to commit the evil act still. First and foremost, it is someone who is not contented with what she has that will be after a man old enough to be her father to sleep with her and in return expect them to take care of her. The fact that she stated that she was drunk and smoking (and probably under the influence of hard drugs) also shows that she is already exposed to a wayward life at such a young age (bad friend influence and 'possibly' lack of proper home training); sadly, it is the trend in our world today and the devil will persistently ensure that those who are greedy, envious of their friends or neighbours, and lack empathy, become a vessel for himself to work in the world. I initially thought to myself she truly acted in self-defence but the moment she said she took his atm card after he was dead and withdrew #380,000 shows intentionality of the earlier act committed. She saw his death as an advantage to steal from him and then she went into hiding until she was later paraded. One evil act only bred further evil acts - that is exactly what the devil does; he keeps deceiving and prompting a weak soul to yield into persistent evil ways.

Before anyone would think the previous paragraph was aiming to condemn Chidinma alone, I would have to state here that Usifo Ataga experienced an avoidable outcome and shares in the blame as well. Without any doubt, I can convincingly say that everyone has three lives, which are:

1. A Public Life - known to everyone

2. A Private Life - known to one's family/relatives and friends

3. A Secret Life - known to just you and God

 The case of Usifo Ataga relates to the third life and it is quite unfortunate that the outcome in his case resulted in the loss of his life. The red flag is obvious! it is the fact that he is surely married (and most likely with children of his own) but chose to commit himself into extramarital affairs and not only did he do so, but as a 49yrd old man, he went for a 21yr old lady, whom he is old enough to father. I am quite sure he went after such a young girl because he would have felt she would be so feeble and be his sex pet that he can use anytime he likes, afterall, he is a popular figure in the society and a wealthy person to make such a young lady bow to his sexual tunes whenever he so desires. Indeed, it is this masculinity imposition that led him to attack the girl violently (if we are to even believe Chidinma's disjointed story) because she complained of not being well taken care of but want to have his way with her again sexually after their first round of sex, which then made her stab him to death - what a painful way to die. I was only trying to create an imaginative scene while writing this piece as to what he'll tell God if he were to be asked at the entrance of heaven what led to his sudden death. I am quite sure even his soul would be ashamed to tell God he was trying to sleep with a 21yr old girl, and then she stabbed him. God would most likely just shake his head while looking at his helpless soul and afterwards grant him a judgement he feels he deserves. I am not in any way condemning him or Chidinma but I deeply condemn their actions and it is only sad that it has turned out the way it has. Such is always the outcome when cases like this emerge, it is either the female gender is used for a ritual purpose or the man is murdered.

  My final submission on this piece is an advice to those reading it who might either be in the category of Chidinma or that of Ataga Usifo or have a family member(s) or friend(s) who walk the same path; a wise person will learn from other people's experience rather than wait to experience same too. To those in Chidinma's group, contentment is very important in life and a wayward lifestyle would only attract the devil to manipulate one's mind more easily. And to those in Ataga's category, an unholy secret life would only eventually warrant consequences and fate like this. Yes, everybody is a sinner but we should always struggle towards perfection rather than willfully yielding to immorality. Ataga's fate has been determined but Chidinma's young life has most likely shattered as a result of her action and the beautiful future she must have imagined for herself has now suddenly been thwarted. As it stands, only God can help her out of this situation lest she rots in prison or eventually has her life snapped out too by meted justice.  

Chidinma's interview pt 1


Chidinma's interview pt 2

@John Oladotun


  1. His death will be a lesson to other men out there

    1. Sadly, many people never learn!☹ This is not the first time such is happening & it won't be the last. Men like him will always find excuse & say he didn't play his game well.

  2. All this small girl with Big God

    1. The society continues to celebrate impunity. I am sure there are many girls out there who will support her action and would do likewise. They might look small in size but they do mighty things.

  3. That is a great reflection. Thank you for the reflection. Expecting more reflection from you on different topics. kudos to you!


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